Short conversation with my mom Oct 23, 2011 Sepenggal perbincangan di telepon dengan nyokap… Gwa: Jadi kapan koko ted bakal married ? ( koko ted adalah panggilan gwa buat koko gwa :P ) Nyokap: Belom tau, rumah aja blom selesai dibangun. Gwa: Oh gitu… Nyokap: Jadi setelah si Teddy married, giliran lu lagi la ? Gwa: Enggak donk… kan beda umur gwa ama koko 5 tahun… jadi gwa married masih 5 tahun lagi… Nyokap: Emang orang tuanya Riani bolehin ? ...
Reasons why I hate long weekend Sep 30, 2011 Too much sleep Less productive Tasks waiting after holiday and Far away from your girlfriend
Gource Aug 28, 2011 Gource is a software version control visualization tool. It was built using C/C++ ( not sure ). Several version controls that supported by Gource are Git, SVN, Mercurial and Bazaar. Basically Gource is a command line tool that you can use to visualize your project’s progress that using software version control. Here is the example of my project : Cool isn’t it ? In my video, there is only one person because I am working for this project alone. ...
jQuery UI AutoComplete in CakePHP Jul 25, 2011 Demo : Demo source code : The post to add auto redirect feature into the AutoComplete : You can copy the modified Ajax and Javascript helpers from here Last week I was trying to use jQuery UI Autocomplete in my CakePHP apps. However, CakePHP Ajax and Javascript helpers don’t support jQuery by default. After googling a little bit, I found that this guy ( ) already made Ajax and Javascript helpers for jQuery. ...
Change wordpress default email and name Jun 20, 2011 Actually you can find this solution easily in Google. However, I’ll put it in my blog just because I am lazy to find it again. So wordpress has default email address and name which are “Wordpress” as the name, [email protected] as the email. To change it you can use plugin or put these wordpress action to your functions.php file in themes folder : 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 add_filter('wp_mail_from', 'new_mail_from'); add_filter('wp_mail_from_name', 'new_mail_from_name'); function new_mail_from($old) { return 'no-reply@rudylee. ...
Fixing rake command error in rails 3.0.7 May 29, 2011 Today I was trying to add rails project to Netbeans 6.9,but suddenly there is a pop up window that said “Rake task fecthing failed” with bunch of other errors. After that, I tried go to my application folder and try to run the rake command 1 rake -D However I got this error 1 2 3 4 5 rudy@rudy-laptop:~/www/depot$ rake -D rake aborted! undefined method `task' for #<depot::application:0x91fa9c4> (See full trace by running task with --trace) After a little bit research, I found that I have to uninstall my rake 0. ...
Make wordpress using the latest jQuery May 24, 2011 I just copied this from another website, put it here just in case that I forgot. 1 2 3 4 5 if( !is_admin()){ wp_deregister_script('jquery'); wp_register_script('jquery', (""), false, ''); wp_enqueue_script('jquery'); } Put this snippet to functions.php file in your theme folder ( eg : wp-content/theme/whatever/functions.php )
Apache GeoIP Apr 13, 2011 Apache GeoIP is an apache module for detecting your visitor’s IP and block/redirect them to another website. Installing and configuring GeoIP is very easy in Ubuntu. Here are the steps : 1.Install the Apache GeoIP module and restart apache webserver 1 2 sudo apt-get install libapache2-geoip sudo /etc/init.d/apache2 restart 2.Create the .htaccess file and put in your webroot folder / website folder 1 2 3 4 5 6 GeoIPEnable On # Redirect one country RewriteEngine on RewriteCond %{ENV:GEOIP_COUNTRY_CODE} ^AU$ RewriteRule ^(. ...
Photo Box Mar 16, 2011 Photo Box / Photo Booth is a booth( usually ) that is used to take photo. This PB ( Photo Box ) is very popular in Indonesia especially for teenagers and couples. One of the factors that make it so popular is because people can find it in almost all shopping malls. In Indonesia, shopping malls have become a major part for urban people. Some research found that shopping malls are well-known as the center of entertainments, shopping, and place to socialize among people in Indonesia. ...
Good, and you ? yourself ? Feb 12, 2011 One day at office : My Boss : Hey Rudy, how is your weekend ? Me : Good ! My Boss : ( silence… ). My Boss : ( after 5 secs ) Good, so how is bla2… Another day when answering phone call from my boss : My Boss : Hi Rudy, how are you ? Me : Good ! My Boss and me : ( silence… ). My Boss : ( after 5 secs ) Good, I want you to bla2… ...